Art(sy) History Study

This flashcard study game is geared towards art history students and enthusiasts who are looking for resources to study more effectively. Art(sy) History Study aims to make studying art history more effective, approachable, and fun.

This was made possible through Artsy, another great resource for all your art needs. This tool is a work in progress and more features will be added in the near future.

Game Settings

Game Mode

Object of the game: Guess the period or movement from which each artwork orginates. If you answer correctly, guess the artist as a bonus question. There's a total of six rounds.

Correct period/movement is worth 10pts.

Bonus question is worth an extra 10pts.


Choose {{displayCategoriesSelected}} more categories to start!

Round {{displayRoundNumber}}

Score: {{displayTotalScore}} pts.

{{displayArtworkTitle}}, {{displayArtworkDate}}

Score: {{displayScore}}pts.

Bonus: {{displayBonus}}pts.

Your Total Score: {{displayTotalScore}}pts!
